Wednesday, 24 August 2011

STYLE CRUSH: Rachel Bilson

Here is another post on what i really created my blog for. It is a style crush, on Rachel Bilson no less! I've always loved Rachel Bilson ever since i tuned into my first episode of the o.c (oh so long ago!) and since then in Jumper and her other films.

I adore her style, its effortless and chic. Her hair is to dye for and she just seems to get it right over and over. She has the preppy-ness of simple outfits but the boho-ness with her gorgeous hair and make-up and key prints. Here are a few photos of this style star:

I personally base most of my style on her, i think you can notice in quite a few of my outfits and my hair is now pretty much the same, aha. I have the identical outfit that she is wearing in the second to last picture. I love how she looks so gorgeous in casual and evening style. She just aces it all.

P.s i ombred my hair, it failed big time at first but it i fixed it and it looks nice now, so i shall show you that in a future post.

Love you all

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